International Journal of Geometry
"The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God." - Euclid
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\ Vol. 9 (2020), No. 2, October
Vol. 9 (2020), No. 2, October
AHMED MOHSIN MAHDI – Conics on the sphere
NORBERT HUNGERBÜHLER and CLEMENS POHLE – Communicating harmonic pencils of lines
LILIANA GABRIELA GHEORGHE – Apollonius problem: in pursuit of a natural solution
MARTIN JOSEFSSON and MARIO DALCÍN – New characterizations of tangential quadrilaterals
JORGE C. LUCERO – Folding axioms for a 3D extension of origami
JIAN LIU – Two new refinements of a linear geometric inequality
FÁBIO R. dos SANTOS, HENRIQUE F. de LIMA and LUCAS S. ROCHA – Revisiting linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in the de Sitter space
ADY CAMBRAIA JR, ABÍLIO LEMOS and MOSTAFA SALARINOGHABI – On evolutoids of regular surfaces in Euclidean 3-space
JAYDEEP CHIPALKATTI and ALEX RYBA – Absolute Projectivities in Pascal’s Multimysticum
DANIEL VĂCĂREŢU – An example of S triangles arising from two I.M.O. problems
DORIN ANDRICA and GEORGE C. ŢURCAŞ – Rational triangles as a bridge between geometry and number theory
CRISTINA BLAGA and PAUL A. BLAGA – On two transformations in elliptic triangle geometry